Saturday, July 12, 2008

Cha Cha Changes I am again...but it's a year later. This blog in a sense has become like all of the journals I have ever started...go strong in the beginning and then slower until it's just another unfinished pretty book I own on a shelf or worse in a drawer somewhere just waiting...

...I started this blog with many thoughts of orphans, adoption, and the very nature of motherhood. Instead of nesting cardinals, I am now looking over a nest of 5 baby robins. Instead of adoption, I now am keeping an ear out for my 12 week old baby Andrew to wake up from his long nap this afternoon. A week or two after my last entry in 2007, I discovered I was pregnant with my third little miracle. My thoughts and heart had to shift to the new life inside me instead of the orphaned children halfway across the world.

I don't feel much like being poetic today as I am exhausted beyond words just from my daily life with 3 little ones 3 and under. I just felt like jumping back in to this whole blog thing...seeing where it takes me. And since no one really reads this thing, anything goes!