Saturday, September 20, 2008

Peaceful Sleep

OK. So my sweet children...all 3 of them... 3, 23 months, and 5 months are asleep before 8:15 tonight. I should be asleep too but I wanted to say hello since I have 2 people that have actually stopped by and made a comment! It's so neat!

Today, I got to tell my friend Dana how I came to the blogging world through her and all of the blogs I read...which were all the same for her. Here they are in backwards order all leading back to Dana...

MckMama, Angie, Adrienne, and Dana. If I knew how to link to them I would but if you are interested in my backwards progression feel free to ask me.

Something neat about talking to Dana today was that I was able to talk about some things I have been reading on these blogs and connect with an actual person about it! It makes the people a little more real when someone else that you know also prays for Stellan and aches for Audrey and Luke and hopes for Adrienne and loves to read about Russian adoptions. These are real people, with real life stories and I love blogging because it helps (for me anyway) to realize just how small the world really is these days and just how big God's love is for all of His children!

Now this sleepy mommy must sleep before the middle-of-the-night dance begins when at any given time, someone wakes up and calls me! Got any ideas?